New Mad Essence in 2014, and in English

Listen to their latest album, Transmission.

Rehumanization is the name of the upcoming album from Russia’s electronicore group Mad Essence.

According to a facebook update, Rehumanization won’t be too different from Transmission, although more complete, as Transmission was more of a transition than the whole idea. It will still feature loads of different musical genres mixed together on the electronicore background.

“[Electronicore is] one of the few musical genres, really capturing the spirit of modern world” and changing their lyrical composition from Russian to English is in order to reach the most people and … Read more

Axon-Neuron re-debut

If you follow this blog, you probably know that I love Axon-Neuron’s jazzy fusion goodness!

They’ve just re-mixed, re-mastered, and enhanced their 2011 debut album Brainsongs, now version 2.0.

I don’t know if the guitarist had his 9 string guitar at the time, but at first listen, it sounds like it. It’s really refreshing to see somebody use an ERG (extended-range guitar) to something quite different than chugging, djenting, riffing, or doing breakdowns. It’s a breeze of fresh air!

Their blend of fuzion-y jazz is unmistakable, persistently good, and remarkable!

Brainsongs 2.0 is up for free on the band’s Read more

Being thank us for the wait!

Anthropocene, with a set release date or december 21, 2012, is not out yet, the mixing and mastering process taking more time than previously thought. But, gentlemen that they are, Being is giving away an orchestral instrumental version of a re-worked version of Cosmolonaut off their debut EP, entitled The Singularity Cosmists II, for FREE!!!

It sounds amazing, and I can’t wait to get my hands on this new album. Oh, and Anthropocene features Spencer Sotelo… :3

Download the song and give them a like on facebook!

-D… Read more

Check out Hybrid – Angst

Hybrid is an experimental progressive death metal album from Spain and it seriously kicks asses!

All of the things we all like put together into a mashing machine in order to give something completely fucked up but completely enjoyable. The album even has some cowbell sections! What more to ask? Nothing.

Buy the album on Deepsend Records bandcamp page, and give the band a like!!!


PS : The release date is (to my surprise) set to 14 may… 2014! Since all of the album is recorded and streamable, I guess they will correct that soon enough so we … Read more