Music Club, Episode 1: Keegan Tawa, Azure, Hourglass, Kraanerg

Welcome to the very first edition of our upcoming series: the CTEBCM Music Club! With fellow collaborators Matt Matheson, Jeff Nixon, and Bishop Martin (and others), we will be discussing what we think are the best current releases out there! This is a very free-flowing format where we cross-reference earlier releases, band members, philosophical implications, lyrics, and much more. We hope you’re going to like this new offering!

The audio is also available on the podcast streaming service of your choice.… Read more

Advanced Mathematics: Addendum on Microrhythms

Above is a composition from me by the name “Compromise”. Don’t critique it too harshly, it’s first and foremost there to serve as a demonstration of what Marathon can achieve. What is Marathon? Just give me a minute, and all will be clear.

Microrhythm: A Reintroduction

If you want the full read, click here to read the full episode on microrhythms.

In a nutshell, microrhythm can be seen as “the rhythm in-between” or a “compromise”; hence the song title. According to Malcolm Braff’s vision, you can achieve a microrhythm by finding a middle ground between two conflicting rhythmic patterns. … Read more

NOT MUSIC: Sludge Titan Potmos Hetoimos Premieres New Song, Goes In-Depth on Songwriting Process

The Music

The Words

Since Heavy Blog Is Heavy labeled Potmos Hetoimos “Sludge Titans”, I can’t help but keep using this awesome moniker that well describes the vast catalogue and wild ambition of the project. Today, I’m glad to bring you the stream of a new song: “IV, B: Perseus, Pyrrhic”, and a thorough behind-the-sheets presentation of the music theory and artistry underlying Vox Medusae, by Matt Matheson himself.

In the following part, Matt describes the unusual scales that make up the album; a sort of leitmotiv recalling the grand operas where each character has its own distinct voice. … Read more

Seven Impale – Contrapasso, Review and Interview

Seven Impale Front promo highest res RGB 3000x3000“What is the next step?”

This question is the first thing crooned by vocalist-and-guitarist Stian Økland on Seven Impale‘s sophomore album, Contrapasso. It was also the question burning in my mind after several months of listening to their debut album, City of the Sun, which was my favorite record of 2014. I’ve heard plenty of bands with elements of both jazz and prog rock, but never one that truly synthesizes those styles in perfect balance. Typically you can feel whether a band is rooted in jazz and incorporating some elements of prog or vice versa. With this … Read more