Peculate – The Chain Industry (Collateral Damage, Pt. II)

The music of Peculate has been described as many things. I, however, would like to describe Peculate as restless, colourful, and eclectic.

Restless because a new LP is released every few months, with a few songs or sometimes an EP in-between. The rate of production resembles that of Omar Rodriguez-López, or, in other words, it’s a crazy production rate! Colourful and eclectic go side-by-side: the music is varied and in-your-face, hence the “colourful”, and its inspiration is drawn from a very diverse array of genres, and styles, quite literally “eclectic”.

Peculate‘s latest, The Chain Industry, is the sequel to the Collateral Damage, Pt. I EP released in May 2013, which treats the subject of imperialism. Mostly, it talks about the slaughter of great empires (like the U.S.A. or the U.K.), for the sake of national security and expanding markets. If you want to read more, I strongly suggest you take a look at the lyrics, which can be found on bandcamp along with every track.

Music-wise, it’s the spiritual successor of Part I, while [still] bringing new things to the table, and perfecting the techniques and approaches preexisting within the Peculate realm. So, what should you expect? As always, the fusion of classical music, jazz, and various other musical genres around a metal center of gravity. Hashed riffs, atonal melodies, and heavily layered vocal harmonies, as well as a small variety of musical instruments.

That last point is what Peculate would gain the most at exploiting. Variety in the timbre facette of his music would really be a memorable addition. Let me just state as an example Pryapisme’s song “La notion de chiralité de spin et d’oscillation de saveur des particules supersymétriques définissant un champs scalaire lors d’une transition de conifold en cosmologie branaire dans un modèle ekpyrotique”, which contains more instruments than I could probably count!

In the end, Peculate‘s last effort, The Chain Industry, is really worth it (get it? It’s FREE!), and while it’s a valuable addition to his whole catalogue, I feel the ascend beginning to slow down. It’s still better than anything he’s released before (with the exclusion of “In Two (A)”, which was a bit different), but the dreaded stagnation is near, and so he should be wary not to fall into the same holes too much again!