Porcus vs. Equus – Music out of Shit

Australia’s experimental rock band Porcus vs. Equus just released a single, or short EP, under the name Music out of Shit. With merely three tracks and a runtime of just eight minutes, M.O.O.S. is very short, but also very sweet. First of all, ‘Wet Sugar (Player vs. Environment)’ is a magnificent song to begin with. Reminiscent of the Spaghetti Western aura of Robotmonkeyarm, with their reverb-laden, aggressively-plucked overdriven guitar notes, Porcus vs. Equus bring in some rhythmic and structural surprises into this complex ear-worm of a song. At over three minutes long, it’s the least concise of the triptych, and it is therefore more fleshed out, and its themes are more fully developed. The second track, ‘La La La La La La’, is the shortest and perhaps the least interesting musically. It is, however, a fun little anthem to which to sing la-la la-la la-la along. The title track closes this criminally short EP with a bang. Sounding more like its opening counterpart, it’s a bit groovier, and includes some nice dissonant chords and vocal eccentricities. It’s difficult to believe that, in the three years since their debut album, the band has come up with less than ten minutes of new material, but, at least, we can comfort ourselves with how good the three tracks are. I hope to hear more in the near future!