The Multidimensionality of Music

Too often music blogs, including ourselves, have rejected, or ignored, the fact that music is not a one-faced art.

From now on, Can This Even be Called Music? will treat albums, and music, as they should be : a multidimensional art.

With our future reviews, we will review music, obviously that’s what interests us the most, but we will also rate the artwork of an album, and the lyrics to it.

Visual artists can spend countless hours on an album’s art, and yet it mostly serves the dull purpose of telling one album from another at first glance. Similarly, a band’s lyricist is often times a poet, skillfully writing profound words on touching themes.

Moreover, we will try to make interviews with the band whose album is reviewed whenever is possible.

All this is a continuity in our efforts to give music the credit it deserves, and stop ignoring or rejecting the other sides of this multidimensional art.


On January 14 2013, this entry was posted.

One comment on The Multidimensionality of Music

  1. Λευτέρης Κ. says:
