Say Hello to Our New Reddit Bot!

I’ve been using Reddit for quite some time, now, and, I have to say, I love this platform! I’ve made many musical discoveries, and it’s also a daily source of news and other content. I created r/ctebcm a while ago, but it never truly gained much attention, as I was focusing on the actual website and sharing on our Facebook page, and, more recently, our “This Is Not Music” group.

However, with my recently self-taught programming skills, I’ve written a script that automatically posts an album I’ve listened to—and probably liked—since 2018. This was possible because I’ve kept track of these albums in a relatively huge spreadsheet. Basically, what our Reddit bot does is pick a random line in that spreadsheet and post the corresponding link on r/ctebcm, at every hour. Moreover, if there is a new post on the website, the bot will share that instead of a random album for that hour.

Since I keep track of what the bot posts on Reddit, it has posted close to 170 different albums! It will keep in memory the 500 latest submissions so that it doesn’t post the same albums too often. If the bot posts every hour of every day, that means that the same album could be posted twice every 21 days or so at the closest.

The very first submission of our bot was SynestetLes usures, an album that somehow nobody has bought yet on Bandcamp. It’s a brilliant contemporary jazz release I’m sure you’ll love!

So, if you’re on Reddit already, feel free to join r/ctebcm to get a monstrous amount of recent music recommendations. You can also share some music of your own! Show us what album left its mark on you, or what album you’ve worked on!

On August 2 2019, this entry was posted.