Releases of November
Hover over foreign scripts for pronunciation and romanization.
Wednesday, 1 November
The Bridge Sessions – Cancel Rescue Mission
$7 USD
experimental jazz
Chicago, Illinois

Tracklist (click to display)1. Oysters For The Masters [49:04]
Kausis – Ⅰ
Name your price
atmospheric black metal

Tracklist (click to display)1. I [08:34]
2. II [06:48]
3. III [07:15]
Vainoras and the Altar of the Drill – The Drear Is Spreading
$7 AUD
dark jazz
Melbourne, Australia

Tracklist (click to display)1. Arguing with ghosts in empty dive bars [03:56]
2. Beneath the concrete, glass and steel [06:46]
3. The drear is spreading [05:22]
4. Imbibe the lush [03:45]
5. Faint by numbers [06:00]
6. Rain gets in your mouth [06:51]
Thursday, 2
Louis Beaudoin-de la Sablonnière – Black Metal Jazz
Name your price
experimental jazz
Montréal, Québec

Tracklist (click to display)1. I [18:16]
2. II [29:36]
Canyoneer – Volume 3: The Forks of Cheat
$2 USD
progressive metal
New York, New York

Tracklist (click to display)1. It’s Called Leverage [05:22]
2. The Forks of Cheat [04:13]
3. Snow Blind [03:38]
4. It Was a Matte White; It Was a Blinding White [04:15]
5. I Am Not the Wound [03:35]
6. Replacer, Replacer [03:16]
7. A Case for Corrections [03:41]
8. Small Histories [01:53]
9. Kakarot Lives! (Remastered) [03:19]
Hysterical Blindness – Blue Moon Ritual
$7 CAD
dark ambient
Montréal, Québec

Tracklist (click to display)1. Between Two Worlds [01:35]
2. Ritual [04:18]
3. Aequinoctium [02:06]
4. Dancing In Firmament [02:03]
Ilios Steryannis – Babylonia Suite
$7 CAD
jazz fusion
Toronto, Ontario

Tracklist (click to display)1. Babylonia [06:30]
2. The Cobra [04:22]
3. Zakir [07:02]
4. Madchester [03:59]
5. The Procession [05:04]
6. Nina’s Dance [03:08]
7. Ya Nabat Al-Rehan [05:04]
8. Blue Rumba [04:42]
9. Sun Song [05:14]
10. 400 North [05:09]
11. LaPlante [05:26]
Tales of a Liquid Dawn – The Xafyre Chronicles, Part Ⅲ: Continuum Wars
£7 GBP
progressive rock
England, UK

Tracklist (click to display)1. The Tome Remains Sealed [10:24]
2. Qunja Blues (In Hiding) [07:35]
3. Resurrection Of Emperor Var [06:25]
4. Quul Ya’s Theme [04:08]
5. A Son’s Duty [10:09]
6. Loops [13:25]
7. Qunja At The Tree Of Obos [04:00]
8. Showdown [09:14]
9. Goodbye, Father [06:20]
Friday, 3
Acid Force – World Targets in Megadeaths
€8 EUR
thrash metal
Banská Bystrica, Slovakia

Tracklist (click to display)1. Out Of The Trench [04:06]
2. Preachers Of Mayhem [04:36]
3. Fast Friday [03:51]
4. Rebirth Of The Sun [05:44]
5. Praise The Atom [02:50]
6. Lightning Cops [04:35]
7. Beyond The Concrete Fields [05:05]
8. World Targets In Megadeaths [05:42]
Amalekim – עבודה זרה
€9 EUR
black metal
Avantgarde Music

Tracklist (click to display)1. Psalm I – Avodah Zarah [05:48]
2. Psalm II – Efes Sefirah [04:32]
3. Psalm III – Olam Teshuvah [05:10]
4. Psalm IV – Tzel Hakarah [04:28]
5. Psalm V – Litrof Rekanut [04:29]
6. Psalm VI – Litfos Atziluth [04:31]
7. Psalm VII – Hallel LeQuayn [04:54]
8. Psalm VIII – Hester Panim [04:54]
9. The Disease (bonus track) [06:58]
Angra – Cycles of Pain
progressive power metal
São Paulo, Brazil
Atomic Fire

Anima – Anima
€13 EUR
nu jazz
Dresden, Germany

Tracklist (click to display)1. Krabat [03:05]
2. Traumtiraden (feat. Georg Paco Ludwig Fleischfresser) [06:23]
3. Hymne [06:57]
4. Skizze I (Interlude) [01:35]
5. Theater [07:51]
6. W.A.N.F. (feat. Tendayi) [07:18]
7. Skizze II (Nebula) [01:42]
8. Nebula [11:07]
9. Skizze III (Eva) [01:46]
10. Words (feat. Eva Swiderski) [04:47]
The Antikythera Mechanism – Aedorial
progressive death metal
Atlanta, Georgia

Atameo, Letterbombs, Coma Regalia, and Keratin – Lack
Name your price

Tracklist (click to display)1. Atameo – Procrastination Blues [07:34]
2. Letterbombs – Heartburn (Never to Be Felt Again) [01:50]
3. Letterbombs – A Fleeting Moment [00:57]
4. Letterbombs – Reluctantly Grasping at Shadows [02:12]
5. Coma Regalia – Waiting Room [00:40]
6. Coma Regalia – Wishbone [01:05]
7. Coma Regalia – Threads [00:36]
8. Coma Regalia – Through [01:14]
9. Coma Regalia – Heal You [00:46]
10. Coma Regalia – Keep Us [01:11]
11. Coma Regalia – Wren [00:31]
12. Coma Regalia – Mirrored [01:03]
13. Keratin – I Wish The Rain [01:12]
14. Keratin – Interlude [01:03]
15. Keratin – Gauze [03:10]
Atari – Sweet & Sour
79 NOK
indie pop
Bergen, Norway

Tracklist (click to display)1. Preludium [01:25]
2. Tryhard [03:34]
3. Get By [04:06]
4. Sweet & Sour [03:08]
5. Tunnel Vision [03:00]
6. System Overload [04:07]
7. Fujifilm [03:03]
8. Just in My Head [03:58]
9. Turn The Page [04:04]
10. Hide Park [04:51]
Axioma – Primal Descent
$7 USD
Cleveland, Ohio

Tracklist (click to display)1. Primal Descent [04:24]
2. Spectre in the Code [05:12]
3. Pageantry of Miscreants [07:56]
4. Fellowship of Serpents [04:33]
Laure Betris – Colline de pierre
Name your price
progressive rock
La Chaux De Fonds, Switzerland

Tracklist (click to display)1. Dewana [04:26]
2. Ya yemman haletha [03:31]
3. Fleuve [03:31]
4. Opra [06:03]
5. Misscarriage song [03:18]
6. 1001 voix [03:00]
7. Berceuse 2 [02:50]
8. Les rues [01:47]
9. Fin du jour [04:45]
Bhatt – Vous êtes pas écœurés de vivre, bande de caves
$10 CAD
post-black metal
Québec City, Québec

Tracklist (click to display)1. Je n’ai rien accompli [05:25]
2. La route commence, là où la corde se termine [04:55]
3. Oublier d’être [03:44]
4. Ce fut la dernière fois [03:04]
5. Perpétuelle Fatigue [07:33]
Breeze – Golden Season
$7 USD
noise rock
Seattle, Washington
Half Shell

Tracklist (click to display)1. Fall [02:09]
2. Calm [05:17]
3. Practiced Harm [02:28]
4. Islands [01:29]
5. Fuzzy Ripper [02:52]
6. Hold [03:16]
7. Two Mirrors [05:45]
Briqueville – ⅠⅠⅠⅠ
Name your price
Temse, Belgium

Tracklist (click to display)1. AKTE XVI [06:57]
2. AKTE XVII [06:43]
3. AKTE XVIII [08:15]
4. AKTE XIX [04:16]
5. AKTE XX [12:15]
Carthage – Third Punic War
€6 EUR
death metal
Thessaloniki, Greece

Tracklist (click to display)1. Baal Hammon [02:28]
2. Oroscopa [02:03]
3. Tanit [03:56]
4. Lake Tunis [02:04]
5. Siege of Carthage [04:24]
Ch’ahom – Knots of Abhorrence
$8 USD
blackened death metal
Essen, Germany
Sentient Ruin Laboratories

Tracklist (click to display)1. Xibalba [06:29]
2. Chavín de Huántar [07:58]
3. Path to Ixtab [08:51]
4. Knots of Abhorrence I [10:37]
5. Knots of Abhorrence II [07:37]
6. Ts’Ono’Ot (Bandcamp Bonus Track) [12:01]
Check the Distortion – Inner Chaos
Name your price
Astana, Kazakhstan

Tracklist (click to display)1. Soul Eater [04:43]
2. Impulse [04:35]
3. Paralyzed [04:48]
4. Inner Chaos [05:32]
5. Nemesis [05:22]
6. Dropdown (Bonus) [04:13]
Chromb! – Cinq
€7 EUR
Lyon, France
Dur & Doux

Tracklist (click to display)1. Fredilippe [02:06]
2. La cérémonie [04:57]
3. Roupoutoum contre Routoupoum [04:01]
4. Pauvre Brobre [05:01]
5. Le Prince [05:14]
6. Rongongonfre [06:15]
7. Et des couteaux [06:29]
Cirkeln – The Primitive Covenant
70 SEK
black metal
Stockholm, Sweden

Tracklist (click to display)1. Garden of Thorns [07:20]
2. The Witch Bell [07:18]
3. Ensam I Natt [01:53]
4. Defiled and Satanized [05:40]
5. Awakened by Lost Arcane Premonitions [05:47]
6. As I Lay Waiting [06:32]
7. His Master’s Coils [05:07]
8. The Death of Thy Father [04:53]
Nabou Claerhout – Trombone Ensemble
€9 EUR
jazz fusion

Tracklist (click to display)1. Slide Unit [08:34]
2. A Day at the Huge Field With a Little House [12:22]
3. Murphy All The Way [11:18]
4. HUTCH [06:21]
5. A Duet For Three [04:09]
6. Wistful [08:50]
7. Illusion [08:46]
Rob Clearfield – Ashes and Diamonds
Name your price
modern jazz
Marseille, France
Ears & Eyes

Tracklist (click to display)1. I. Adagio [15:17]
2. II. Gigue [05:48]
3. III. Lento [11:45]
4. IV. Passacaglia [08:50]
5. V. Furioso [05:46]
Clipboards – Endless Days
Name your price
East Lansing, Michigan

Tracklist (click to display)1. Big Bets [00:57]
2. Furnaces [04:12]
3. Independent [03:50]
4. Sprinklers [01:30]
5. Sanchezia [04:48]
6. I Saw a Tree While Train Surfing in Morocco [01:37]
7. Wasted [05:03]
8. Someone Else [04:19]
9. Ladybug [04:57]
10. Silverware [05:29]
Closet Witch – Chiaroscuro
Name your price
Zegema Beach

Tracklist (click to display)1. Intro [00:39]
2. Constantly Problematic [00:50]
3. Haunting [00:41]
4. And Releasing (Feat. Frankie Furillo) [00:38]
5. My Words Are Sacred (Feat. Dylan Walker) [01:10]
6. Infinite Imbalance (Feat. Stu Cline) [01:19]
7. You, Me & Venus in Decay (Feat. Dan Lee) [02:40]
8. Untitled Track [01:49]
9. Arlington Cemetery [01:23]
10. Well Fed Machine [00:38]
11. We Met On The Park Boundary Trail [01:29]
12. Funeral Flowers [00:51]
13. To The Cauldron (Feat. Stu Cline) [04:06]
Cosmitorium – Broken Archetypes
$8 USD
progressive death metal
Santa Rosa, California

Tracklist (click to display)1. Ex Insania Portal [01:30]
2. Cosmic Dawn [05:53]
3. Crypts [04:29]
4. Dimensions [05:51]
5. Incinerator [04:03]
6. Peak and Surrender [06:26]
7. Resist or Serve [04:52]
8. Space Snakes [09:47]
Dog Swamp Residents Association – Agnoiology
Name your price
experimental electro

Tracklist (click to display)1. Sex Balm [04:23]
2. Smoking Jacket (Badly Burned) [10:01]
3. Intercepted Massage [01:24]
4. Agnoiology [02:37]
5. Downtown Sinclair [08:38]
6. I Keep Hearing Rumours That The Queen Was A Detritivore [04:42]
7. Towards A Theory Of Ignorance [07:36]
8. Manual Stimulation [04:46]
9. You Give Clay Pigeon Shooting A Bad Name [01:17]
10. The Subject Steve [05:17]
11. I’m Just Thinking What Everyone’s Saying [02:04]
12. Joy Multiplication [10:52]
བཀྲིས་རྡོ་རྗེ། – བཀྲིས་རྡོ་རྗེ།
$9 USD
free improvisation
Asheville, North Carolina
Drag City

Tracklist (click to display)1. Iron Cloud [04:09]
2. April [05:17]
3. Macula [06:40]
4. Sunder [08:38]
5. Take Shape [05:26]
6. Moves Southward [02:57]
བཀྲིས་རྡོ་རྗེ། – Guitar Improvisations
$9 USD
free improvisation
Asheville, North Carolina
Drag City

Tracklist (click to display)1. Improvisation I [09:56]
2. Improvisation IV [05:12]
3. Improvisation V [03:28]
4. Improvisation II [08:07]
5. Improvisation VIII [14:55]
Rosa Fænskap – Jeg blir til deg
$7 USD
post-black metal
Oslo, Norway
Fysisk Format

Tracklist (click to display)1. Livredd [05:12]
2. Skjør [03:57]
3. Reform [03:45]
4. Aldri [09:12]
5. Jeg blir til deg [06:17]
6. Jeg puster enda [00:45]
7. Paradis [04:26]
8. Gjenferd [01:01]
9. Neonlys [03:59]
Feminizer – Beneath the Harm
Name your price
black metal
Seattle, Washington

Tracklist (click to display)1. Ethereal Noose [05:49]
2. Cross My Heart [04:49]
3. Internalized Prison Complex [06:31]
4. Licking Wounds [04:34]
5. Apparition of Flesh [07:46]
6. The Girl Had Secrets [06:21]
7. Painspells [06:59]
Feralcat and the Wild – Disassembly
$10 USD
jazz fusion
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Tracklist (click to display)1. f3ralcat – a cyborg angel [05:47]
2. f3ralcat – a robot prynce [04:19]
3. f3ralcat – a self discovery [01:53]
4. f3ralcat – a fateful meeting [01:44]
5. f3ralcat – a mechanical bride [03:49]
6. f3ralcat – a battle theme [01:24]
7. f3ralcat – a defeat today — Victory Tomorrow [02:18]
8. Feralcat and the Wild – How to Assemble [01:54]
9. Feralcat and the Wild – Disassembly [05:17]
10. Feralcat and the Wild – Dancetron [04:12]
11. Feralcat and the Wild – Western Smokescreen [04:56]
12. Feralcat and the Wild – ¿Por qué so Serious? [03:03]
13. f3ralcat – a chrome witch [02:08]
14. f3ralcat – we go as intended [01:38]
Fin del Mundo – Todo va hacia el mar
$8 USD
indie rock
Buenos Aires, Argentina

Tracklist (click to display)1. La noche [03:33]
2. Las flores [04:06]
3. La distancia [03:17]
4. El fin del mundo [05:23]
5. Hacia los bosques [04:04]
6. El próximo verano [04:29]
7. Desvelo [04:34]
8. El incendio [05:10]
A Flying Fish – El pez que voló, Act I
$10 USD
progressive rock
Monterrey, Mexico

Tracklist (click to display)1. Obertoora [02:44]
2. Genezees [09:27]
3. Teezûck [04:51]
4. Fear Thyself [01:46]
5. Twin Snails [04:56]
6. Upon a Star [03:22]
7. Holy Fruit [03:25]
8. A He̊-Kuree Dream [04:09]
9. Mama, Papa! [04:08]
10. Destiny Calls [03:32]
Christoph Stiefel’s Full Tree – Full Tree
€10.99 EUR
modern jazz
Zürich, Switzerland

Tracklist (click to display)1. Christoph Stiefel Full Tree – Planetarium [07:05]
2. Christoph Stiefel Full Tree – Angel, Broken [05:26]
3. Christoph Stiefel Full Tree – Chutes And Ladders [08:38]
4. Christoph Stiefel Full Tree – Faith [05:12]
5. Christoph Stiefel Full Tree – Feuilles Au Vent D’Automne – Isorhythm # 38 [04:58]
6. Christoph Stiefel Full Tree – Full Tree [05:46]
7. Christoph Stiefel Full Tree – Black Pearl [07:05]
8. Christoph Stiefel Full Tree – Shhhh [01:19]
9. Christoph Stiefel Full Tree – A Great Place – Isorhythm # 34 [05:29]
10. Christoph Stiefel Full Tree – Rhapsody [04:07]
11. Christoph Stiefel Full Tree – Lost [08:14]
Good Game – Get Good
$10 USD
math rock

Tracklist (click to display)1. Level Up [02:07]
2. Julius the Corgi [02:31]
3. math rock sux [02:45]
4. Spin2win [01:58]
5. Stella by Sunlight [03:37]
6. I Can Be Your Princess [03:35]
7. In Another Castle [02:49]
8. Goth Girl Beauty School [03:21]
9. The Birds and The Birds [04:47]
10. boymoding [02:21]
11. Steal Her Look [03:20]
12. Breaking Character [04:04]
13. Game Over [03:24]
14. Cheating the NASCAR Race Physical [02:22]
Gozer – The Path Always Leads to the End
£3 GBP
Sheffield, UK

Tracklist (click to display)1. The Beginning [01:08]
2. Celestial River [06:11]
3. Gone Away [03:06]
4. Where The River Meets The Ocean [05:59]
Trio Grande – Urban Myth
$10 USD
modern jazz
London, UK

Tracklist (click to display)1. Urban Myth [05:08]
2. Ministry of Love [05:09]
3. Navanad [07:02]
4. Strasbourg St Denis [04:36]
5. Olive Tree [05:29]
6. Dancing Girls [04:51]
7. In My Head [07:46]
8. Chorale [04:38]
9. A Gift [04:02]
Henry Grimes & Max Johnson – Olive Oil
$10 USD
free improvisation
Brooklyn, New York
Unbroken Sounds

Tracklist (click to display)1. Olive Oil [14:26]
2. The Ritual [31:44]
Helix – Montage
$6 USD
progressive thrash metal
Tokyo, Japan

Tracklist (click to display)1. Montage [00:30]
2. Dada Construction [07:53]
3. Coffee Break [08:00]
4. Stuttering-Exquisite [07:04]
5. 0 [01:10]
6. Zodiac [06:40]
7. The Sufi [07:36]
8. Es [11:03]
Hifiklub & Jérôme Casalonga – Pigna Ⅲ: Nunziata
experimental folk
Toulon, France
Casa Editions

The Holy Flesh – Herald and Adversary
Name your price
black metal

Tracklist (click to display)1. Herald I (The Sun Reversed) [06:12]
2. Herald II (The Knight of Pentacles) [04:57]
3. Herald III (Three of Swords) [05:00]
4. Herald IV (The Dreamer) [07:12]
5. Adversary I (Starmuk – The Curse) [06:32]
6. Adversary II (Creator-Destroyer) [06:56]
7. Adversary III (Dysphoric Fires) [03:14]
8. Adversary IV (Atyantika) [05:18]
Horse Torso – World Line, Eviscerated
$5 USD
free rock
Brooklyn, New York

Tracklist (click to display)1. A Definition [00:41]
2. A Singularity Comprised of Horizon Generated Entropy [05:51]
3. Unincorporated Saint Louis County [04:58]
4. Kendra Mahr Forever [05:20]
5. Sorry, Deconstructed [04:47]
Katholik – Entropic Evolution
$10 USD
brutal death metal
Sacramento, California

Tracklist (click to display)1. The Chariot [04:57]
2. Altered States [04:20]
3. Entropic Evolution [04:12]
4. Heliachal Rising [04:13]
5. From Lip To Ear [03:17]
6. The Emergence [03:57]
7. Bleeding The Bastards [02:53]
8. Lady Of The Grain [03:43]
9. An Axioms Ashes [03:42]
Kraanium – Scriptures of Vicennial Defilement
$9 USD
brutal death metal
Oslo, Norway
Unique Leader

Tracklist (click to display)1. Gurgling on Decomposed Feces [04:07]
2. Cunt Pierced with Rusty Nails [04:30]
3. Massive Piles of Festering Remains [05:17]
4. Fevid Self Dismemberment [05:14]
5. Internally Purified with Scorching Iron [04:42]
6. Deflowered by Disenbowelment [04:58]
7. Sliced, Diced & Sodomized [04:40]
8. Braindead Skullfucking [06:06]