Mini-Reviews XXIX and Site Update

This iteration of Mini-Reviews marks a new step in Can This Even Be Called Music‘s. Since our inception, we’ve been growing further and further from review scores because of the many problems inherent to them. The previous step was the shrinking from percentage scores to a simplified, three-level system, but it still retained many of the problems that any scoring system has. Namely, they oversimplify an often complex and subtle appreciation of a piece of art, they cannot represent integrally the complete written review, they can be misleading, and people might only look at the score without even reading … Read more

Mini-Reviews XXVIII

This week, I came across Stranger Aeons, one of my new favourite music blogs, where I discovered Numenorean and Gilded Lily, which I will be reviewing today. Go check this website, and here’s to many more discoveries!
Numenorean is an atmospheric black metal/blackgaze band from Canada, and Home is their debut album. They include a lot of post-rock elements to their songwriting so the contrast between these atmospheric buildups and the apex moments is rather cathartic. Home came out earlier this year, and is a very promising album.
Nova Incepta is a cinematic progressive metal band from Australia. New Read more

Monthly Recommendations: October 2016


Here’s what we think are the best releases of October! As always, it’s a very difficult choice, as there are many other very worthwhile releases, so I would suggest going back to read some of our mini-review sets!

‘Car Bomb‘s Meta is a whole new level of terrorism. From their 2007 debut, Centralia, the band kept digging deeper and deeper into the realms of philosophy and mathematics (as showcased in w^w^^w^w) and applying them as compositional tools. I don’t need to tell you how relieved I am to see that this trend is continued in their latest attack. Their undecipherable… Read more