OSR: January 23rd, 2016
Lost Salt Blood Purges just released Only the Youngest Grave, an intriguing experimental ambient double-album that really is worth letting yourself drift into. On quite the opposite end of the spectrum, we’ve got 0‘s 2014 song-album, Null & Void – quite the nihilistic type, eh? -, a very well made depressive and doomy black metal piece! Noise-rockers Baklavaa are releasing Dane On in early March. It’s a pretty decent, gnarly rock album but you might want to wait for a few more previews to be released in order to make your mind. Oh Iceland, your glaciers and black metal truly melt my heart, and here’s a new flame: Naðra. Their full-length, Allir vegir til glötunar is some sweet black metal with tinges of atmospheric and gaze elements to it. Want something truly full-length? Why not the 3-disc The Paragon Trisagion, by Potmos Hetoimos? It even includes one 55-minute song! Each part of this triple album is a bit different from the others, but they are all doom-ish metal, melded with prog, sludge, and black metal. jazzdefector‘s Numbers is a pretty good yet rather uneventful ambient jazz fused with electro elements EP. I say uneventful, but isn’t that the very premise of ambient music? Nevertheless, the chords and soundscapes created therein are pretty nice!
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